Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Forgetting how to knit

now that (Canadian) Thanksgiving is nearly upon us I feel fully justified, nay, pressured to start knitting Xmas gifts... first up, a scarf of Green Kid Silk Haze for a person who doesn't read this blog. I'm going to do the Airy Scarf from Last Minute Knitted Gifts.... I say 'going to' because even though I cast on last night, I can't get beyond row six for one very stupid reason - I can't remember how to do a yarn over (aka yrn fwd)!! how demented is that?!! I thought i was doing it right, but then when I was 2 rows past the eyelet row I realized that I had somehow created a row of closed eyes instead of open ones.... ribbit, ribbit, rippit. Good thing I still keep all my how-to-knit books handy... :)

To keep me motivated on this and other holiday gifts, I've joined Alison's holiday knit-a-long, Who wouldn't love a handknitted gift. If you're knitting gifts too, come along and join us - if you finish everything, you get a gold star - its the perfect way to feel like a kid again, just in time for Xmas! (yes, I was one of those kids who collected all the stickers that my teachers gave me on my assignments - they're all safely stored in my sticker album (circa 1987) which is still sitting on the bookshelf in my old room at my parents' house).

but that's enough revealing facts about me for today... must work!

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