Monday, December 21, 2009

Skiing in the Park

So, you might have heard that there was a bit of snow in NYC this weekend... 10-15 inches, they say, depending on where in the city you happened to be. And what does a good (Eastern) Canadian do when it snows that much? Go skiing! :)
So we pulled the skis out of the storage closet, and headed into Central Park. I had hoped we might be able to actually ski the 11 blocks to the park, but alas, the people of New York are far to efficient with their snow-clearing - the building next to us even had a snowblower to help clear the sidewalks! (albeit an electric one, which wouldn't last a day in Ottawa, but hey, its a heck of a lot better than Vancouver's approach to snow!) The coolest thing were the "snowplows" on the streets - basically just garbage trucks with plows attached in the front - its genius! :) (sorry, didn't get a photo of those... maybe next snowstorm).
this is Andrew Haswell Green's Bench. We kind of stumbled upon it, but the bluff its on made for a fun downhill ski! :)

Note to Self: next time we go skiing in the park, go clockwise around the Onassis Reservoir... it seems to be the direction most others were going, and it makes for some fun downhills as you come back to 110th Street.

We were happy that we made the most of the snow on Sunday morning - the roads in the park were cleared before we even got there (about 9-ish), and the bridal paths we were skiing on were quickly becoming mushy. And the runners were already out in force.

And now, for ambiance, a few photos of our neighbourhood in the snow...
110th Street

The streets were eerily quiet because of the snow

St. John the Divine Cathedral, as seen from 112th Street

Christmas trees in waiting (this is where our tree came from) :)

And here are a few photos from Campus today...

Unfortunately, the snow is now turning slushy, and turning every corner into a giant slush-puddle. I hope Santa and his reindeer have some nice wellies to wear on Friday! :)

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