Thursday, April 28, 2011

Royal Escapades

Wow, has it really been a month since I last blogged ?  I have to admit, with such frequent updates on the swatch blog, I tend to forget when I last posted here...  I got a little stuck on the last topic for the Knit and Crochet Blog week (it was something about how/where you set yourself up for crafting), and then I guess I just forgot to come back to it.  But you haven't missed much, so no worries...  :)

Yesterday Darcy and I spent a relaxing day visiting yarn stores, followed by a few hours of knitting at a coffee shop.  Henri and Frobisher came with us - little did I know, but Frobisher was plotting all along to befriend Camilla and the Queen (who are currently visiting Urban Yarns) and then talk them into giving him a last minute invite to Will & Kate's wedding.
Everyone seemed to get on rather well, but I gather Frobisher didn't get that invite - he's currently off pouting in the corner, refusing to speak to anyone!  :)

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