Tuesday, August 08, 2006

canoe trip!

This weekend was a long weekend here in Canada... known as Colonel By day here in Ottawa (he was the guy who was in charge of building the Rideau Canal), BC Day in BC, and various other things across the country.

Rather than sit around and be lazy this weekend, Mike and I headed north with 8 of our friends (and friends-of-friends, who are now our friends too!), and went canoeing in La Verendrye Wildlife Reserve. I think the thing I love most about Canada is that after only a 3 hour drive (and half a day's paddle!) you can get out of the city and be in the middle of nowhere, with only a couple of loons and a few dozen frogs for company... and maybe a moose or a bear or two, but they didn't come out and visit this time around.

anyway, here's a few pics from the weekend... more to come in a day or two, after I've raided everyone else's collection! :)

Mikey steering the boat:

Setting out from the end of the portage trail ("to portage" is to carry your canoe and all your gear over a section of land - usually from one lake to another, or around an obstacle such as a beaver dam, a waterfall, or a rapid that's too difficult to go through in a canoe). you can just see the trail behind John and Lindsay's yellow canoe:

on the beach, checking out the next day's route, and soaking up the sun:

Jeff and Jenn mid paddle:

Leo and Rhonda beaching the boat for the night:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The sky is so beautiful it almost looks fake! I never realized how into nature you are, Glenda! Maybe you can teach me a thing or two!