Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy (Canadian) Turkey Day!

So technically, today is Columbus Day here in the US. Its one of those pseudo-holidays, where City Workers, Postmen, and a few select others get a holiday, while all the rest of us have to show up at work. But this didn't stop Mike and I from celebrating the true version of today's holiday, Canadian Turkey Day! :)

Tracking down a whole turkey in October was harder than I thought it would be - I had kind of forgotten it was Turkey day, and it wasn't until Friday that I decided I would make a proper turkey dinner this weekend. So then I had to go to five different places before finding one that could special order one for me in time for Sunday... of course now I know where I can get a suckling pig, should I ever need to order one! :)

On Saturday we took a wander over to the amazing market that is Fairway (who, it turned out, had several whole turkeys available - next time I'll walk the extra 10 blocks, and go there first!). On the way, we stopped to check out the Hudson River...
We were very envious of the people on that sailboat! :)

After dragging all the groceries home, step one was to make the pumpkin pie. Slice the pumpkin,
bake it,
then mix it into filling:
and voilà, one pumpkin pie - with a little left over to have for lunch on Monday! (well, half of it anyway)

In preparation for Sunday's turkey feast, Mike and I spent the afternoon wandering around Central Park. The north end of the park has a few trails through the wilderness, which almost make you feel like you're hiking through the forest. Eventually, you reach the ravine:
and then the reservoir
and a little farther on, Belvedere Castle
On our way back, we stopped by Cleopatra's needle...
which, for some reason, has these strange little crabby guys balancing out each corner
I realise that they needed something there to keep the Obelisk upright, but why crabs? :) To get back, we wandered up Park Avenue, and pretended like we could actually afford to live there...
And then it was time for Turkey!
Darning needles (nicked from my knitting box) come in very handy when sewing up a turkey!

Mike got potato peeling duty :)

And then, only about 45 min later than we'd calculated (we forgot to account for the stuffing inside the turkey!), Francis was ready for dinner! Pretty good for a first-time (by ourselves) turkey! (Last time I roasted a turkey it was with my sister in law, Tara, and we accidentally cooked him upside down!)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

now, about that bit of pumpkin pie filling that's sitting in my lunch box... :)


David T. Macknet said...

Oooh - punkin pie!

We managed to find one, the other day (probably for Halloween, really). We're going to ... turn it into pie. Some day soon. :)

Glad to see you guys're settling in.

Anonymous said...

Mike looks like Felix only taller when he is cutting that Pumpkin. Easy to see they are related.