So, picking up where I left off the other day... Mike arrived in the UK the day before I got back from South Africa (he'd booked his trip before I even knew about mine). He spent the day in Edinburgh, and then came down to Newcastle a few hours after I got home... We spent Tuesday in town, introducing him to my friends (he now has faces to go with all the names he's been hearing), and then I took him to knitting. Alas, he has still not come to understand the necessity of a decent yarn stash! :)
The rest of the week we spent travelling around, playing tourist.
We went to Birdoswald, on Hadrian's Wall...And then to Housesteads Roman Fort
On Thursday, we went down to York (we got really luck with the weather, considering it was raining the whole drive down!)
On Friday, we headed up to Scotland. We drove across to Carlisle, and then headed North... we took a stop in Dumfries to buy our lunch... and then ate it at Caerlaverock Castle... (we're cheap - we didn't pay to go in) :)
We spent that night in Stirling. Gotta love these curling rocks in front of the fire at the Settle Inn. Perhaps these are an allusion to the "Stirling Stone", a curling rock found in Stirling that is inscribed with the date 1511 - which adds fuel to the argument that curling was invented in Scotland...
Stirling is also home to the William Wallace Monument:
By Saturday mid-day, we arrived in Edinburgh.
We'd both been to the castle, so (after the requisite visit to the Royal Mile!) we decided to walk to the other end of town, and take a look at the monuments on Calton Hill.
Mike flew home early Sunday morning... But only five more weeks of nose to the grindstone work till I get to go home for Xmas! :)
Glenda, your travels to Africa and with Mike look amazing! I am so jealous :) I think it is about time to start planning another reunion - maybe we'll venture to Toronto this time or even Ottowa. Email me sometime with the dates you're coming back to this part of the world. Hope you're doing well! Miss ya!
Oh, if I'd know you were coming to Edinburgh I'd have told you to go to Jenners, where all their yarn is 50% off - including Rowan. Maybe you went anyway! Glad you had a lovely time.
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