Last night we got back from a quick Christmas visit to Ottawa. We only went for a few days, just enough time to catch up with family, eat lots of turkey, and (for me at least!) be reminded of how much I appreciate the fact that Vancouver winters do not bring wind-chills of -25 degrees! :)
Here we are on Christmas Eve - the calm before the storm! ;)
Santa came!
And here are Mike and Felix on Boxing Day (the day after Christmas, for my US friends!), waiting ever so patiently for the leftover turkey dinner to be prepared!
Felix is such a cutie!
Since this year was our year to go to Ottawa for Christmas, we held a mini-Christmas with my family the weekend before the real thing.
Here's my dad, the proud grandfather, helping little Max open one of his gifts.
And this is my brother Gavin, modelling the Dr. Who scarf I made for him...
Other Christmas knitting was limited to a few dishcloths I made for Mike's mom, and this super fun pair of stripy socks that I made for Mike, using wool I bought on Salt Spring Island back in October.
Now, if I want to make it safely to the New Year, I have to get back to work on Mike's Olympic sweater which has yet to acquire any sleeves! :)
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